It's no secret starting a thriving business in the city of Vancouver is difficult. There are obstacles: high rent, stiff competition, and the ebb and flow of employment rates. But when you love a place like Vancouver, you turn those obstacles into opportunities. And that’s just what Pete and Gillian did when they started Honest to Pete.
They tackled the biggest and maybe most important part first: making their dream happen sustainably. Honest to Pete is responding through the lens of sustainability and doing business responsibly. Sustainability has always been a cornerstone of Vancouver culture. Through the City of Vancouver’s Greenest City Action Plan, Honest to Pete is doing their part as a small business on electric-wheels and unofficial partner in putting Vancouver on the path to becoming the greenest city in the world. Because when you love a place, you treat it well.
Their coffee beans are branded Retrospresso, and though the flavours are a nod to the past, their business model acknowledges the importance of the future. Nostalgia is the very ingredient that is the heart and soul of this coffee blend and it’s nostalgia that paints the picture of what comes next.
A city is made up of makers, dreamers, and innovators. It’s what gives it cachet. Sure, there are the laws and policy stuff too, but urban vitality is made up of people who want to be a part of… the next. And that’s the pairing of environment and urbanization Honest to Pete is demanding they’re a part of. Like peanut butter and jelly. Like cookies and milk. Like coffee and holding hands with your loved one. Honest to Pete is the coffee shop on wheels that is going to use its small business energy to make a big impact. They’re going to serve up their coffee to the next maker, dreamer, and innovator.
They’re committed to the story of humble beginnings and simplicity. And they're doing it all in style. The sleek and sexy electric bikes are equipped with all the bells and whistles regular cafe’s feature. And sure, the competition is fierce, but Honest to Pete believes there is a spot for everybody. They believe in dreaming.
Vancouver is known for being exceptional. And Honest to Pete is unapologetically Vancouver. They love to be here. And they love coffee. Come try a cup.